i Lead Courses


Welcome to iLead

In a world seeking visionary leaders, iLead offers a transformative journey for the next generation of Muslim leaders.

We provide the tools to lead with ethics and compassion, fusing faith-inspired values with contemporary leadership principles. Join us on the path to becoming a visionary, compassionate, and impactful leader, shaping the future of ethical leadership.

Ready to embark on this empowering journey and to begin
your transformation as an ethical and visionary leader with iLead.

Dr Riza Mohammed

About iLead

iLead’s Vision for Positive Change

In today’s complex, interconnected world, the demand for ethical, responsible leaders has never been greater. iLead is dedicated to nurturing the next generation of purpose-driven leaders who can navigate the challenges of our times with vision, compassion, and resilience.


Our vision is transformational leaders inspired by faith.


Our mission is to develop ethically-driven leaders to change the world.

Facilitators and Trainers

What do they say?

In today’s complex, interconnected world, the demand for ethical, responsible leaders has never been greater. iLead is dedicated to nurturing the next generation of purpose-driven leaders who can navigate the challenges of our times with vision, compassion, and resilience.

We empower Islamic leaders with a comprehensive program in human development, education, and leadership, using the practice of da’wah.
Hisham al-Talib


You will learn how to identify, test, and evaluate potential leaders, and acquire specific tools for effective problem-solving, decision-making, negotiation and compromise. These are based in the practice of mutual consultation (shura).
Hisham al-Talib

IIT, Turkey

We prepare leaders to attain clarity (baseerah) in their work and among their groups, for the sake of Allah. It guides leaders to advance through Islamic stages of iman, ihsan, and itqan and to strive for improved performance. The overriding goal is to produce dynamic Islamic leaders who will pioneer social change by acquiring knowledge and practicing da’wah effectively and perceptively, according to the Islamic worldview.
Hisham al-Talib